Awards & Certificates

Disadvantage Business Certificate-PA UCP DBE Certification # 14443
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, a certifying participant in the Pennsylvania Unified Certification Program (PA UCP), has certified Software Merchant as Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). This certification is approved user following sections:- IT consulting services. NAICS Code(s): NAICS 541511: CUSTOM COMPUTER PROGRAMMING SERVICES NAICS 541512: COMPUTER SYSTEMS DESIGN SERVICES NAICS 541519: OTHER COMPUTER RELATED SERVICES

Patent #7639842
A remote sensing and probabilistic sampling based forest inventory method can correlate aerial data, such as LiDAR, CIR, and/or Hyperspectral data with actual sampled and measured ground data to facilitate obtainment, e.g., prediction, of a more accurate forest inventory. The resulting inventory can represent an empirical description of the height, DBH and species of every tree within the sample area. The use of probabilistic sampling methods can greatly improve the accuracy and reliability of the forest inventory.

Patent #8111924
A remote sensing and probabilistic sampling based method for determining carbon dioxide volume of a forest can correlate aerial data, such as LiDAR, CIR, and/or Hyperspectral data with actual sampled and measured ground data to facilitate obtainment, e.g., prediction, of an accurate forest inventory, and corresponding carbon dioxide volume thereof.

Patent #8300896
A remote sensing and probabilistic sampling based forest inventory method can correlate aerial data, such as LiDAR, CIR, and/or Hyperspectral data with actual sampled and measured ground data to facilitate obtainment, e.g., prediction, of a more accurate forest inventory. The resulting inventory can represent an empirical description of the height, DBH and species of every tree within the sample area. The use of probabilistic sampling methods can greatly improve the accuracy and reliability of the forest inventory.

Outstanding Leadership
Neeraj worked with a team of mobile architects to develop and launch innovative technology for Shale Gas Extraction in 2014. This technology aided in the process of posting and bonding public roads, and won a National Recognition Award for its innovative design and vast applications within the respective industry. Neeraj also, with a professional and competent development team, led the architectural design and contributed to the publication of the widely-accredited PennDOT State Driver’s Education and Evaluation Application. This mobile application is used in 50 PennDOT locations across Pennsylvania by internal government employees, and won a State Recognition Award for the application’s innovative technological applications and ability to streamline efficiency of PennDOT business practices.